Corporate Affairs & Communications

Information today travels fast—to customers, stakeholders and employees. Companies need to manage that message to ensure all parties maintain a clear and transparent understanding.

A business stands on its reputation. Do good work and treat people right? You’ll have customers for life and a line of prospective employees. We help your company find corporate affairs leaders who can share your story with the world.

Deliver faster, immediate information

News travels fast in today’s hyper-connected world. We help companies find dynamic leaders that can provide stakeholders with enhanced, transparent access to information while managing outside scrutiny.

Better manage stakeholders

Stakeholders want to be involved today more than ever before. It's up to corporate affairs to keep them informed, engaged, and understanding where the company is going. We work with clients to identify and develop leaders with the capacity to navigate how and what to communicate, ensuring that organizations create a positive image among those that can influence performance.

Have strong, strategic voice

The best leaders are talented at engaging internal and external stakeholders via strategic messaging, including company goals, mission, and priorities. They can help navigate a long-term communication path for companies, one which reinforces gains made by the firm while mitigating risks from negative situations.

Global corporate affairs & communications leader

Kimberly Archer

With more than 15 years of experience in executive search, and a background in marketing and communications, Kimberly ensures we bring the full power of our one-firm approach to helping you build a future-fit leadership team. That means she brings together the right team to meet your organization’s needs.


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