CEO Succession

You need a CEO who does more than just keep up. They need to set the pace. Drive performance. Be as comfortable talking about DE&I as they are P&L.

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Ready your business for the future

Selecting a new CEO is the most pivotal decision you face as a director—and it’s one that has lasting implications for your company’s performance and its place in the world.

We help you identify and develop the best executives to lead your organization forward. We get them up to speed. Set them up for success. And make it easy for you to do it all again next time.

  • Create a pipeline of leaders internally, readied to meet your company’s unique needs
  • Establish a strong succession cycle that stays relevant into the long term
  • Pivot your company towards a more inclusive, sustainable future
  • Give yourself the best odds for a successful CEO transition

Succeeding with Succession

Having a CEO succession plan is paramount to a company’s stability and continued success. However, establishing a great CEO succession process is easier said than done.

That’s why we’ve written a guide on the need-to-know basics of CEO succession—covering who’s involved, how it’s done, and five best practices to help you get it right.

Find out more






Setting Up for Success: A Chair’s Story of Succession

An exploration of CEO succession—from the inside

CEO Succession processes are often opaque when seen from the outside—which can make it difficult for those who haven’t been through the process to know what goes on behind closed doors.

In this ebook, we take a closer look at the true story of CEO succession, as told by one of our clients.

View the eBook


Case studies


Start your CEO Succession story

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